mercredi 1 avril 2015

Protecting the environment is to preserve the future of humanity

Protecting the environment means protecting our source of food and drinking water
Everything we eat and drink comes from nature. Or any pollution ends up one day in our food: in the water we drink or the food we eat. And these pollutants can we develop diseases or malformations.
We must ensure that nature produces a water and healthy food in sufficient quantity. For this, we need to avoid polluting the soil and seas. We should not dismiss without caution or spreading chemicals to excess.

Protecting our food source, is to preserve the survival and therefore the future of humanity.
Protecting the environment is to preserve the quality of the air we breathe
The air is absolutely essential to our survival. We can not survive more than a few minutes without breathing. The air brings oxygen, fuel our cells.
But breathing, we do not inhale as oxygen. We also absorb a lot of other things. With each breath, we inhale gases and particles found in the atmosphere. Some of these gases and particles are harmful to our body. With each breath, so we absorb some poison. Breathing then puts our health at risk and makes us sick. While breathing should only keep us alive.
So we must be careful not to pollute our atmosphere. We must not reject it harmful gases or dangerous particles for life.
Protect air quality, it is the health and therefore the future of humanity.

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