mercredi 1 avril 2015

Fight against tuta absoluta

  • Traps for sex pheromone

Pheromone trapping is crucial for reducing populations of T.absoluta of males, it is a direct way to control this pest by reducing couplings. The capsule releases the specific sex pheromone scent (the capsule is changed once a month). This smell attracts the trap adult males. It is complementary to other control techniques. Every week there is a count of the number of insects in the traps that the traps are of the order of 30 traps / ha.

  • Light traps

Light traps are made of UV lamps that attract insects. This type of trap is used against all types of insects (whitefly, Tuta absoluta, moth, and even drones).

  • Chemical treatment

The above mentioned means may be insufficient, in which case chemical interventions are needed to keep the number of pests in the threshold levels. The treatments used to fight against this insect sprays are spinosad (active substance that has an insecticide effect). However, these products can have an impact on biological control against other pests. In all cases, it should be observed for each the number of applications per year, the prescribed doses and to alternate the active substances according to their modes of action.

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