mercredi 1 avril 2015

Protecting the environment is to preserve the future of humanity

Protecting the environment means protecting our source of food and drinking water
Everything we eat and drink comes from nature. Or any pollution ends up one day in our food: in the water we drink or the food we eat. And these pollutants can we develop diseases or malformations.
We must ensure that nature produces a water and healthy food in sufficient quantity. For this, we need to avoid polluting the soil and seas. We should not dismiss without caution or spreading chemicals to excess.

How to prevent compaction?

In areas of the world where we practice intensive and mechanized agriculture, soil compaction is one of the main forms of soil degradation.
To prevent against soil compaction, it is necessary:

In vitro culture

In conventional plant breeding programs to create a new variety it takes 8 to 15 years depending on the species. It's very long, especially since the selection objectives may change with time: taste of the consumer, industrial constraints, market needs, diseases etc.


The strawberry plant is a plant whose fruit, the soft and fragrant flesh evoke the summer, the sun and freshness.
The strawberry plant is planted in the late summer and fall, that's guaranteed to have strawberries the following spring. September is often stated how being the best month of planting.
You can still plant strawberries in winter, but only if it does not freeze.
  • Delete beforehand all the weeds and make the light, rich soil with the addition of an amendment or fertilizer.
  • Space each plant at least 30 cm.
  • If you have multiple rows, space each row of about 40 cm
  • The collar should be at ground level

For spring planting
Start by making fertilizer for strawberries in the month of April in order to ensure the proper development of the plant.
Planting distance strawberries
It takes a certain distance between each plant so they have room to grow but also avoid over-tightening which is a breeding ground for disease development.
  • The planting distance is thus 4 to 6 feet per m2, or one foot every 20 to 30 cm.

Maintenance, tillage strawberry
It is important to remove the runners in as. Runners are long rods that come take root and unnecessarily draw on the resources of your fruit.
Mulch strawberry foot to maintain proper humidity during the summer.
Treat in the spring against against aphids and powdery mildew.
  • You can choose an overall treatment against diseases of strawberry
  • Avoid using chemicals because remember that strawberries are eaten
  • Every 4 years, reset the force on your strawberry by performing a layering of strawberry.


Perlite is used as a culture substrate. It is an ideal substrate for the conditions of poor water availability areas.
What is perlite?

Fight against tuta absoluta

  • Traps for sex pheromone

Pheromone trapping is crucial for reducing populations of T.absoluta of males, it is a direct way to control this pest by reducing couplings. The capsule releases the specific sex pheromone scent (the capsule is changed once a month). This smell attracts the trap adult males. It is complementary to other control techniques. Every week there is a count of the number of insects in the traps that the traps are of the order of 30 traps / ha.

  • Light traps

Light traps are made of UV lamps that attract insects. This type of trap is used against all types of insects (whitefly, Tuta absoluta, moth, and even drones).

  • Chemical treatment

The above mentioned means may be insufficient, in which case chemical interventions are needed to keep the number of pests in the threshold levels. The treatments used to fight against this insect sprays are spinosad (active substance that has an insecticide effect). However, these products can have an impact on biological control against other pests. In all cases, it should be observed for each the number of applications per year, the prescribed doses and to alternate the active substances according to their modes of action.

Tuta absoluta

Tuta absoluta is considered the most serious pest of tomato and termed as "absolute disaster" hence the name. The insect may cause losses on tomatoes up to 80-100%. 
Tuta absoluta adult