mercredi 1 avril 2015


Perlite is used as a culture substrate. It is an ideal substrate for the conditions of poor water availability areas.
What is perlite?

Perlite is an inert rock of volcanic origin of the family of amorphous silicas. It is characterized by:

  • Good water retention capacity
  • A good porosity and, consequently, good aeration of the roots
  • The homogeneity and sterility
  • Its good affinity with the requirement of the root system of tomato
  • Its low density which facilitates transportation and installation
  • The ability to maintain the temperature during the night

Perlite is also characterized by its use for two successive years. As perlite can be mixed with peat or with potting soil, it increases aeration and water retention of the culture substrate. Given the risk of compaction and asphyxia associated with peat.

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