mardi 31 mars 2015

Calcium deficiency

Calcium is an important element of some compounds; it activates some enzymes and acts negatively on the swelling of colloids.
Ca deficiency
The growth of the different parts of a plant is deficient in calcium slowed. In the field, calcium deficiency is rare; it is more common to see damage due to the acidity of soils with lime.
Calcium deficiency of the corn


  • Leaf chlorosis and other younger bodies.
  • Bitter-pit of apples (bitter corky spots).

Deficient soils:

  • Light soils, very acidic and low in calcium exposed to intense leaching.


  • Providing liming crushed, dolomite or defecation scum.
  • Regular use of calcium containing fertilizers (Slag-Potassium and Thomas amendments, phosphatesnatural, etc.).

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