jeudi 26 mars 2015

Garlic and these benefits

The garlic is probably one of the most powerful natural food and its benefactions are considerable.

 Some aspire what is more the aîl is also effective as an antibiotic. Thanks to the aîl learn to fight against the cold, the bronchitis and others so much aures infections and discover the stimulating, disinfecting and bactericidal virtues of the garlic.
  • ·        Against bronchitis: Eat of the garlic! Because the garlic possesses an important lung antiseptic action, as well as expectorantes properties, what means that he allows the evacuation by the cough of the mucus which blocks respiratory tracts.
  • ·        Against the cold: Inhale cloves of garlic! Place some cloves of garlic in a handkerchief, knot, and inhale this handkerchief several times a day.
  • ·        The garlic possesses anti-infective virtues.
  • ·        The garlic has a diuretic action(share).
  • ·        The garlic facilitates the digestion.
  • ·        The garlic, rich in antioxidants, has virtues anti-ages.
  • ·        The garlic is effective against diarrheas, gastroenteritis and colites.
  • ·        The garlic lowers the blood pressure.
  • ·        The garlic lowers the rate of cholesterol LDL.
  • ·        The garlic is recommended in the anti-smoking treatments (processings)
  • ·        The garlic against the hair loss

Massage in the garlic
Rub zones emptied by the scalp with a clove of garlic
Mask in the garlic
Mix 3 cloves of garlic crushed in cuillérées 10 of sweet almond oil, or better oil of garlic.
Let wallow this solution during 3 weeks in a closed bottle, which you will place in a fresh(cool) place shielded from the light. Filter the solution, apply to the scalp by massing it slowly. Keep about twenty minutes. Wash your hair.

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