jeudi 26 mars 2015

The organic amendment

Generally speaking, an amendment is defined as being a substance, which, incorporated into 

 a ground, allows the improvement of its physical, chemical and biological properties, and to increase its fertility. The organic amendment indicates any source of organic matter susceptible to decompose in the ground, it is one of the most effective solutions for the protection of grounds against the degradation, the improvement of its organic status and the improvement of its physical and chemical properties, what can guarantee a durability of the agricultural systems.

The organic amendments have generally a double agronomic value as fertilizing after mineralization and also as amendment after humification. Indeed, the contribution of the organic matter on the ground pulls a set of modifications of the properties of the ground engendering the increase of the productive potentialities. It is especially the organic matter in the form of humus which influences on the properties physical appearance, chemical and biological of the ground.

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