mardi 31 mars 2015

Phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus is an important component of various compounds such as proteins. It participates in the activation of organic compounds and acts negatively on the swelling of colloids.
Phosphorus deficiency
The P deficient plants are stunted; root development and population density (tillering) are reduced;
flowering and ripening are delayed. Phosphorus deficiency causes a decrease in the production of proteins and vitamins. Preserving vegetables and frost resistance is lower.
Corn phosphorus deficiency


  • Older leaves are first dark green, then red-violet. The rod can also take a reddish color. The plants are small and have a rigid appearance ("stiff Port").
  • At a later stage the older leaves die.

Deficient soils:

  •  Very acidic soils (pH below 5.0).
  • Alkaline soils (pH above 7.5).
  •  Soils insufficiently supplied with phosphorus.


  • P fertilization adapted to pH. Slag and rock phosphate for soil acidic to neutral and superphosphate for neutral to alkaline soils.
  •  Bring the soil in the slightly acidic to neutral pH area.

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