mercredi 1 avril 2015

This is what happens when you put onions in your socks while sleeping

The soles of the feet has many nerve endings, 7000 (meridians mainly) that link directly to various organs in the body. These are very powerful electric circuits within the body that are often on standby because we wear shoes and we do not do acupuncture meridians to help or nerves in any way. That's why I recommend you walk outside barefoot to stimulate the meridians on the soles of your feet and that you get rid of negative waves.

One of the most effective ways to open the electrical pathways (meridians) and to help purify your organs (those related to food) is to cut the onion and garlic and put them into your socks (to the bottom of your feet) during sleep.

Onion and garlic are known to be air purifiers and when applied to the skin topically, they kill germs and bacteria. Phosphoric acid (the substance in onions that makes you cry when you cut them) enters the blood stream and helps to purify the blood and kill bacteria or germs that can give you the flu.

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